Congratulations to Dual Mania, its director Joseph Strickland, and the feature film's entire cast and crew on being the recipients of the beautiful Crown Wood International Film Festival certificate in the Official Selection List-March-2019 Monthly Edition.
The live event being held April 7, 2019 in Kolkata, West Bengal (India), will mark the third premiere screening of Dual Mania on the #InternationalFilmFestival circuit. Thank you, team #CWIFF, for this tremendous honor!
#FilmFestivals #DualMania #IndieFilms #FilmNoir #Chicago #FeatureFilms#Movies #Directors #CastingDirectors #Actors #Actresses #FilmFreeway#IMDb #Awards #OfficialSelection #India #LiveEvents #JosephStrickland#CatEllington #CrownWoodInternationalFilmFestival #WorldPremieres#JosephPlummer #MichaelSpitz #SherriceEaglin #TorrenceMurphy#AliGoodman, and many more!
• Crown Wood International Film Festival (live event) is an affiliate of FilmFreeway and IMDb
• Crown Wood International Film Festival (live event) is an affiliate of FilmFreeway and IMDb
Woow!, Congratulations Dual Mania Team!. ๐๐๐✨๐๐